A condominium plan and CC&Rs are filed by the declarant prior to the construction of a project. A condominium plan contains a general description of a condominium project with three-dimensional descriptions and boundaries of units and common areas, including balconies, parking spaces, and storage spaces. (Civ. Code § 4285.)
Notes. In the "Notes" section, it will typically describe the boundaries of a unit as unfinished interior surfaces of the perimeter walls, ceilings and floors. The notes also describe what is not part of a unit, such as bearing walls, columns, foundation slabs, party walls, etc. contained in a or surrounding a unit. The plan should also describe exclusive use common areas that may or may not be connected to a unit, such as parking spaces, balconies, patios, roof decks, and storage areas. See sample condo plan.
Recorded. Normally, the plan is recorded either separately or attached to the original CC&Rs. If a title company cannot locate an association's condominium plan, it might be on file with the Department of Real Estate or with the city or county building department.
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