Adams Stirling PLC




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In the 1980s, a young Marine with expertise in radar, infrared, and reconnaissance systems in F-4 Phantom fighter jets and a degree in psychology began managing large-scale common interest developments while earning an MBA from UCLA. He had been managing large gated communities and luxury highrises and planned to move into large-scale resort management. Those plans took an unexpected turn when two law firms independently approached Adrian and asked him to enter law and specialize in common interest developments.

A law degree soon followed as did a line of clients the day he was sworn into the practice of law. Adrian quickly built a large boutique law firm providing quality legal services to common interest developments throughout California.

He used his background in technology to create which Adrian launched in in January 2004. His website won awards and quickly became the leading resource in the industry with thousands of pages of content and millions of page views per year. That same year, he began publishing the ADAMS | STIRLING Newsletter. Adrian’s unique blend of humor and common-sense approach to the law made his newsletter the most popular and most-read CID newsletter in California.


A born leader, Larry Stirling served in the Army where he quickly became an officer commanding a 550-man unit in Korea and was awarded the Combat Badge for infantry operations along the DMZ. He was then assigned to the 12th Special Forces (Green Berets), went to airborne school, and became an A Team commander. From there, Mr. Stirling was assigned to the Pentagon before retiring from the Army.

Following active duty, Larry graduated from law school and was elected to the San Diego City Council. He then served four terms in the Assembly and one in the Senate. In the legislature, Larry authored over 200 pieces of legislation, including the "Adopt-a-Highway" program and landmark legislation known as the Davis-Stirling Act, the law governing all common interest developments in California.

Larry was then elected to the State Senate. While in the Senate, he was appointed to the Bench by Governor Deukmejian, where he served for fourteen years. It was upon his retirement as a judge that Larry joined forces with Adrian Adams to form ADAMS | STIRLING PLC.

Growth. As the firm grew and opened offices throughout the state, it attracted talented attorneys who rose to become partners in the firm. As part of their practice, the firm’s partners assumed leadership positions both in California and on the national level. In addition to speaking and writing, they are active in training boards of directors and managers on how to reduce legal exposure for themselves and their associations. In addition, the firm serves as consumer advocates in the legislative process in Sacramento supporting bills that improve associations and opposing bills that harm them.