Adams Stirling PLC


Shared Resource Housing

Cohousing is a common interest development that takes a different approach to community. Even though units have their own kitchens, according to the website, "Collaborative spaces typically include a common house with a large kitchen and dining room, laundry, and recreational areas and outdoor walkways, open space, gardens, and parking. Neighbors use these spaces to play together, cook for one another, share tools, and work collaboratively." Sharing resources creates a smaller footprint, i.e., it reduces energy consumption for greener living.

Architecturally, the CID is designed to encourage frequent interactions by members so they can form close relationships. Members also make decisions collaboratively, since every unit has a seat on the board of directors. Ideally, decision making is by consensus with greater participation by members than under a traditional corporate structure.

According to Wikipedia, the cohousing concept originated in Denmark in the late 1960s and the first one in the United States is Muir Commons in Davis, California. The CID legal structure is typically condominiums or stock cooperatives.

Related Information

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Adams Stirling PLC