Open Meeting Act. There is no law requiring that committees hold open meetings or post agendas. The Open Meeting Act applies only to meetings of the board. Most committees are advisory in nature and deliver their recommendations to the board of directors in open meetings where members can hear the committee's recommendations.
Architectural Committees. Architectural committees often meet informally. Sometimes they review plans by individually going to the office to see the plans or by delivering them from committee member to committee member. They may be followed by a discussion via phone or email before making a decision. This is done so as to expedite their review of applications and make timely decisions.
Directors on Committees. If a majority of directors were to serve on a committee (such as Finance Committee) and that committee heard, discussed, or deliberated on any item of business that was within the authority of the board, the committee meeting would meet the definition of a "board meeting." Such meetings would require notice to the membership and posting of an agenda. If less than a majority of directors were on a committee, it would not qualify as a board meetings. Directors on committees do not need to recuse themselves from board votes on committee issues unless the vote benefits them differently from other members.
Committee Reports. Unless committee reports cover executive session topics, all oral reports by committees to the board should be given in open session so members can hear the reports.
Setting the Agenda. The objectives of the committee are set by the board but committee agendas are set by the committee chair. Boards should not micromanage their committees nor should individual directors interfere with the committee's work. If the board is unhappy with how a committee is being chaired, it can appoint someone else to head the committee.
Setting Meeting Dates. The chair of a committee sets meeting dates for the committee. If the chair fails to call a meeting, any two members of the committee may call a meeting. RONR (12th ed.) 50:21.
Chair Guidelines. For successful meetings, committee chairmen should use the following guidelines:
- Have an agenda and start the meeting on time.
- See that minutes are kept and distributed to all committee members.
- Keep the meeting moving; encourage participation; keep remarks to the point.
- Insist on order. Stop aimless discussion and side conversations.
- Sum up a committee's findings and obtain a decision on the matter.
- Use parliamentary procedure as may be appropriate.
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