Bank Signature Cards
Banks use bank signature cards to minimize the risk of cashing fraudulent checks. Unless an association's bylaws state otherwise, the board decides who should be signers of checks. Some boards put all directors on bank signature cards to ensure that at least one director is always available to sign checks. Others restrict the number of authorized signers for stricter control of expenditures. Banks once compared the signatures on checks to those on the signature cards. However, with the advent of electronic banking, signature cards have little significance in the industry.
Two Signature Operational Checks. There is no requirement that two directors sign checks against the operating account--it is, however, best practice. It ensures that at least two sets of eyes are on expenditures.
Reserves - Two Signatures. Even though banks no longer monitor signatures, the Davis-Stirling Act requires that at least two directors authorize all reserve transfers by associations. For reserve accounts, at least two directors must approve the transfer of funds from reserve accounts. For operating accounts, there is no statutory requirement for board signatures, but that requirement can be found in the governing documents. Some HOA bylaws require the signatures of two directors on all checks; some require at least one officer's signature, but most are silent on the issue. (Civ. Code § 5510.)
Bank Processing Policies
Inclearings & Automation. Unlike over-the-counter checks, which are deposited at the same bank they are drawn against, "inclearing" checks are deposited at other financial institutions and processed by those institutions through a clearing house such as the Federal Reserve before returning the check to the bank of origin. Once checks enter the system, they are scanned and processed in bulk using high-speed automation instead of being processed one check at a time by a live person. It saves banks time and money and speeds the transfer of funds. It also means banks can no longer compare checks against signature cards.
Banks Held Harmless. Banks can still place an alert on accounts if so requested. It means a lone board member cannot walk into a branch and clean out a two-signature account. Even so, language in the signature card and bank disclosure documents hold the bank harmless if the bank honors a one-signature check. That means an association cannot go after the bank if a board member absconds with the money. Instead, the HOA must go after the director.
Davis-Stirling Requirements
Electronic Signatures. Whether by design or not, the Davis-Stirling Act does not require signatures on a check. Instead, the Act requires a more nebulous requirement of two signatures to withdraw funds without specifying where or how the signatures are employed:
The signatures of at least two persons, who shall be members of the association's board of directors, or one officer who is not a member of the board of directors and a member of the board of directors, shall be required for the withdrawal of money from the association's reserve accounts. (Civ. Code § 5510(a).)
The statute intends to ensure that two directors or a director and an officer know about and authorize the withdrawal of reserve funds. If two directors issue written instructions to the association's management company to make a transfer, the statutory requirement appears to be satisfied.
Email Approval. Since electronic signatures are now recognized to be the same as signatures on a piece of paper, they can be used to authorize the transfer of reserve funds. Accordingly, email authorizations from two directors to the management company also satisfy the requirement. Management companies should be careful to preserve those instructions so they have a paper trail showing each transfer was authorized. Otherwise, the management company could find itself in hot water if the transfers were ever challenged.
Governing Documents. Despite the above analysis, associations should review their governing documents before changing how they handle reserve transfers. Their CC&Rs or bylaws may contain more stringent requirements for handling reserve funds. If so, those procedures must be followed.
Recommendation: Because the two signature rule applies to associations and not banks, boards cannot rely on banks to monitor checks for them. Instead, boards must adopt internal controls and carefully monitor their reserve accounts for unusual activity. There need to be safeguards on withdrawing both reserve and operational funds. An additional protection is for boards NOT to authorize debit cards, credit cards, or ATM withdrawals on reserve accounts. In addition, boards still have the option of requiring all transfers from reserves to be done by check and requiring all reserve checks to be signed by two directors. Boards should consult legal counsel, their CPA, and their management company before deciding on a particular policy.
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