Aluminum Wiring
Because it was less expensive, aluminum wire was used in residential construction from the 1960s to the mid-1970s. It was later discovered that aluminum is a potential fire hazard because electrical devices such as circuit boxes, outlets, switches, lighting, and fans were not designed with it in mind. Unlike copper wiring, aluminum leads to loose connections, which can overheat and start fires. The following properties make aluminum undesirable:
- Higher Electrical Resistance. Aluminum has a high resistance to electrical current flow, which can lead to overheating.
- Less Ductile. Aluminum will fatigue and break down more readily when subjected to bending. Fatigue will cause the wire to break down internally and increasingly resist electrical current, leading to excessive heating.
- Galvanic Corrosion. In the presence of moisture, aluminum will undergo galvanic corrosion when it comes into contact with certain dissimilar metals.
- Oxidation. Exposure to oxygen in the air causes deterioration to the outer surface of the wire through oxidation. Over time, oxidation can deteriorate connections and present a fire hazard.
- Greater Malleability. Aluminum is soft and malleable, meaning it is susceptible to compression. After a screw has been over-tightened on aluminum wiring, for instance, the wire will continue to deform or “flow” even after the tightening has ceased. This deformation will create a loose connection and increase electrical resistance in that location.
- More significant Thermal Expansion and Contraction. Aluminum expands and contracts with temperature changes. This leads to loose connections and overheating.
- Excessive Vibration. Electrical current vibrates as it passes through wiring. This vibration is more extreme in aluminum than in copper. The vibrations will lead to loose connections and overheating.
Duty to Repair/Replace. The responsibility for repairing and replacing aluminum wiring with copper or installing copper pigtails will depend on the language in each association's governing documents. In most instances, it will be the association's responsibility since the wiring is located in the walls, and most governing documents define it as common area for which the association is responsible.
Insurance. For associations, some insurance carriers have stopped insuring condominium buildings with aluminum wiring because of the fire hazard. Those companies that continue to insure the building against fire loss will often significantly increase their premiums, making the insurance more costly. For owners, if a special assessment is imposed to replace the wiring, loss assessment insurance may not cover the assessments. The insurance is for assessments related to covered losses. Upgrading or updating electrical components would be considered a maintenance item. General maintenance, upkeep, and repair are generally not covered events. Therefore, loss assessment coverage would not apply. Owners would need to check with their insurance broker to find out for sure.
Recommendation: Associations with aluminum wiring should have it inspected and maintained annually by a licensed electrician and should develop a plan for installing copper pigtails throughout.
Zinsco Panels
Fire Hazard. Because of their propensity to fail, Zinsco electrical panels are dangerous. The main concerns are (i) circuit breakers not tripping and overheating and (ii) connections at bus bars becoming loose, which causes arcing inside the panels. Arcing could cause metal bus bar components to fuse together, making it impossible to remove circuit breakers without damaging them.
Potential Liability. Because the panels are a known fire hazard, failure to replace them is a safety threat to everyone in the complex and a potential liability to the association. For this reason, many insurance carriers are requiring condominium associations with Zinsco panels to replace them with a safer product. Failure to do so could make a condominium complex uninsurable.
Options for Replacement. Boards of directors have two options. The first is to demand everyone to hire an electrician to replace their panels. The second option is for the association to hire an electrician to do the work and impose a special assessment to pay for the materials and labor.
Each option has its pros and cons. Making everyone hire an electrician may result in owners finding the cheapest possible electrician who may or may not be licensed and insured. Also, you may have to threaten some owners with lawsuits if they refuse to do the work. It's an administrative headache.
The second option ensures that a properly vetted, licensed, and insured electrician does the work. In addition, it may be cheaper due to economies of scale. It will be easier to get the work done promptly. The downside is getting some people to open their doors for the work to be done. In addition, someone will always claim that their unit was somehow damaged as a result. To minimize the risk, have someone accompany the electrician into the unit and take a picture of the panel before and after the work is done.
ASSISTANCE: Associations needing legal assistance can contact us. To stay current with community association issues, subscribe to the Davis-Stirling Newsletter.