Adams Stirling PLC


Purpose of Bylaws

Bylaws establish policies and procedures for the governing of an association. They set qualifications for the election of directors, their number and term of office, their powers and duties, the appointment of officers, when and how meetings are held, quorum and voting requirements, the appointment of committees, etc. Bylaws are not recorded, nor are they filed with the Secretary of State. "Statements of Information" are filed with the Secretary of State.

Unsigned Bylaws. Bylaws and articles of incorporation should be signed by the person who incorporates the association (usually the developer or someone retained by the developer to set up the association). Sometimes, the documents need to be signed. The lack of a signature does not invalidate the documents, but it can impact HUD/FHA and Fannie Mae's certification of the association for loans. If that happens, the current board of directors can "ratify" the existing documents as the official documents of the association and sign them. It should be done by board motion recorded in the minutes of the association. Recommendation: Boards should look at the last page of their bylaws and see if they are signed. If not, legal counsel can prepare a certification. Once that is done, the board should adopt a resolution authorizing the president and secretary to sign the certification, which is added to the bylaws.

Bylaw Amendments and Restatements

Amendments are reasonable when you only need a few. At some point, amendments are problematic because members often overlook them, and they don't address underlying structural problems with your documents. A restatement is slightly more expensive but gives you a clean, up-to-date document. It completely replaces your existing CC&Rs and bylaws with an integrated set. Following are some of the significant changes you should expect:

Board-Approved Amendments. The board of directors and the membership have authority to amend the Bylaws. The Davis-Stirling Act allows boards to unilaterally amend the bylaws (and the CC&Rs) without a membership vote to eliminate discriminatory language and revise references to outdated statutory references in the Davis-Stirling Act. (Civ. Code § 4225 and Civ. Code § 4235.) 

In addition, in the absence of any provision in the bylaws limiting amendment powers solely to the membership (Corp. Code § 7150(c)), boards have discretion to amend bylaws without a vote of the membership (Corp. Code § 7150(a)) unless the amendment would

  • Materially and adversely affect the rights of members as to voting, dissolution, redemption, or transfer;
  • Increase or decrease the number of members authorized in total or for any class;
  • Effect an exchange, reclassification, or cancellation of all or part of the memberships;
  • Authorize a new class of membership; or
  • (or make other changes as specified in Corp. Code § 7150(a).)

Membership-Approved Amendments. The voting requirements for membership approval of bylaw amendments and restatements are normally found in an association's bylaws. If the bylaws fail to include an amendment provision, they may be amended by a majority of those members voting once a quorum has been established. (Corp. Code § 7150(b).)

  • Initiated by the Board. The board of directors almost always initiates amendments to the governing documents.
  • Secret Ballot. Voting must be done by secret ballot (Civ. Code § 5100(a).) by written election rules. (Civ. Code § 5105(a).) Unless an association's governing documents provide otherwise, balloting may be done entirely through the mail, with no voting at a meeting. Because voter turnout is a problem, boards can extend the voting period one or more times as needed.
  • Effective Upon Notice. Bylaw amendments and restatements are effective upon notice to the membership. Unlike CC&R amendments, bylaw amendments do not need to be recorded to be effective, nor must they be filed with the secretary of state.

Court-Approved Amendments. To seek court approval of bylaw amendments/restatements, a petition must be filed per Corporations Code § 7515

Challenging an Amendment

Statute of Limitations. The statute of limitations for challenging an amendment is four years. (Code Civ. Proc. § 337)  Code of Civil Procedure § 343 provides, "An action for relief not hereinbefore provided for must be commenced within four years after the cause of action shall have accrued." 

Lost Records. Sometimes, written proof of the proper adoption of amendments, rules, or architectural guidelines is lost. It may be due to poor record keeping, floods, fires, or turnover of management companies. If the amendment, rule, or guideline is challenged and no direct evidence of its approval or adoption can be found, associations can present circumstantial evidence that the amendment, rule, or guideline had been duly adopted. Unlike direct evidence, circumstantial evidence does not directly prove the fact in question. Instead, circumstantial evidence may support a logical conclusion that the disputed fact is true. [W]e find no legal support for the... claim that a common interest association is required to provide direct, rather than circumstantial evidence that its use restrictions were properly adopted in an action to enforce the restrictions. (Clear Lake v. Cramer)

Amending CC&Rs. For more information, see Amending CC&Rs.

ASSISTANCE: Associations needing legal assistance can contact us. To stay current with community association issues, subscribe to the Davis-Stirling Newsletter.

Adams Stirling PLC