Claim Defined
Boards should immediately report all actual and potential claims to all appropriate insurance carriers.
Potential Claims. Reporting "potential" claims preserve the association's coverage rights without triggering higher premiums.
- Defined. What is a potential claim? A visitor slips and falls on one of the association's sidewalks, a resident writes a letter to the board threatening to sue over a roof leak, or a homeowner feels defamed over a newsletter article and sends an email to the board threatening to sue. These are potential claims as opposed to actual claims. A lawsuit has not yet been filed but could in the future. Immediately putting the carrier on notice preserves the association's rights.
- Written vs. Oral. A verbal threat, "You will hear from my lawyer!" is not considered significant enough to report to the association's insurance carriers. Most policies require that written threats of legal action be reported. Accordingly, whenever an association receives a written threat of legal action, it should immediately report it.
Actual Claims. Reporting actual claims could result in higher premiums because they involve the assignment of legal counsel, discovery expenses, court costs, and related expenses. Depending on the number and size of the claims, carriers may try to recoup their expenses by increasing their insurance premiums or, if they believe the association is too high-risk, canceling coverage.
Reporting Claims
Following is a summary of the steps you need to take when the association is sued or a significant loss has occurred, such as a large flood.
- Note the Date. If served with a lawsuit, notify the carrier and the association's legal counsel of the name of the person served and the date since it starts a 30-day clock for legal counsel to respond to the lawsuit.
- Notify the Carrier. Immediately notify all HOA insurance carriers and the association's legal counsel of any claims or potential claims. If you inform the insurance broker by phone, follow up in writing. If you don't get an acknowledgment from the carrier that they received the claim, follow up with the broker and make sure he/she submitted the claim. If a lawsuit was served, provide a copy of the complaint and information about who was served and when.
- Document and Mitigate. If a flood occurs, take pictures and immediately clean up the water to prevent mold from growing. Follow the steps in your water damage checklist.
- Notify Counsel. Immediately notify legal counsel of the injury, water damage, lawsuit, etc. The carrier will appoint an adjuster for property damage claims and a law firm to handle litigation. Still, you want your association's attorney to know about the loss and take steps to protect the association if the carrier is slow to respond or denies coverage.
When Should Claims be Reported? Most policies require the insured to report a claim as soon as "reasonably practicable." This means days, not months. Timely notice is essential so the insurance carrier has an opportunity to (i) appoint defense counsel, (ii) investigate the claim while the evidence is fresh and witnesses can be interviewed (re slip and fall, water damage, etc.), and (iii) explore settlement. The claim could be denied if the board does not inform the carrier of a claim within a reasonable period. Boards should also be aware that insurance carriers are not responsible for pre-tender attorney fees and costs.
Which Carriers to Notify. Which insurance companies to notify will depend on the type of policies purchased by the association:
- Occurrence Policy. An "occurrence" policy provides coverage for damage or injury that occurs during the policy period regardless of when the claim is made (provided the claim is timely tendered once the association learns of the claim).
- Claims-Made Policy. A "claims-made" policy insures claims only when the claim is reported when the policy is in effect, i.e., during the policy period. The policy provides coverage only so long as the association continues to pay premiums for the policy. Once premiums stop, the coverage stops.
Who Reports the Claim? For self-managed associations, a board member reports or "tenders" the claim to the insurance carrier via the association's insurance agent/broker. If the association has a manager (either onsite or management company), the manager normally handles the task of notifying insurance at the board's direction. Sometimes, a board will ask legal counsel to report the claim and supply the association's attorney with their insurance agent's contact information. Using legal counsel to report the claim does not give the association any special priority with the insurance carrier. Hence, most associations avoid the expense of using their attorney to report a claim. Most assign that task to management.
To Whom Is the Claim Reported? The association's insurance policy should provide reporting information, i.e., a person designated by the carrier to receive claims. Most often, boards report a claim to the association's insurance agent or broker.
Always Report in Writing. Boards can report claims by phone, letter, or fax. However, notices of claims and potential claims should be done in writing so the board has a paper trail if the broker forgets to put the carrier on notice and then forgets that you ever called.
Consequences of Late Reporting. Late reporting of a claim can result in the denial of coverage. Even if the carrier accepts the claim, an association can still suffer consequences--the carrier will not pay for any defense fees and costs incurred by the association prior to the date the claim is reported to the carrier.
Members Filing Claims. Whenever an owner fails to carry insurance and suffers a loss, they invariably demand that a claim be filed with the association's insurance. The safest course for the association is to report the claim. Whether the carrier accepts or rejects the claim depends on the particular carrier, the language in the policy, and the language in the association's governing documents. HOA CC&Rs and insurance policies often define individual owners as insureds, which means they have a right to tender a claim.
Settling Claims
Economics of Settling. Insurance companies don't look at who's right or wrong--they look at the economics, i.e., the cost of taking a case to trial versus the cost of settling. Not only are trials costly, but there is also the risk of losing. A loss could burden the insurance company with damage awards and plaintiff's attorneys' fees. To avoid the risk, insurance carriers like to settle. Accordingly, except for certain malpractice policies, the average insurance policy for associations allows the carrier to do what they think is best regarding settlement.
D&O Hammer Clause. If the association's insurance policy allows the board to have a say in settling the case, the policy likely has a "hammer clause." If it does, boards must carefully weigh continued litigation's pros and cons. In the event a board refuses to settle and takes a case to trial and loses, the association, not the insurance company, pays the difference between the rejected settlement offer and (i) any additional legal fees incurred by the carrier, plus (ii) any judgment against the association, plus (iii) any award of legal fees against the association.
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